
To make something memorable, 
Make it Musical!
- MiM -

The mission of Make it Musical is to create musical activities for families to memorize scripture together.  

Music is uniquely powerful to engage the whole brain. 

Research using functional MRI has shown that music and language are processed in the brain using many of the same neural pathways, so engaging in musical activities can strengthen language skills.  (see the work of Dr Daniel Levitin)

Musical structure involves repetition, which aids in memory formation and information storage.  

Auditory processing also involves a part of the brain that regulates of motor activity - no wonder these special sounds make us want to get up and dance!  

It is also a powerful tool to create a safe place and build community.

Bible study involves reading the text, interpreting it, and applying it to our daily lives.  Sunday morning lessons tend to be heavy on life application. 
MiM will lead families to spend more time interacting with the text (singing, chanting, dancing!) and imprinting it on our hearts and minds. 

Sunday morning lessons tend to focus on text from New Testament, and understandably so.  Jesus came to straighten out our priorities. 

In the  estimated 1400 years between Moses and Jesus, Jewish scholars had counted up an impossible burden of 613 commandments. Jesus boiled it down to 2. No wonder he said his “yoke” is easy. 

(Did you know every Rabbi had a “yoke”?)
Click this link and scroll down to "Jesus the Rabbi" for more information: 

Focusing on the New Testament is like studying only the Cliff’s Notes instead of reading the whole book.  It gives a good synopsis, but is lacking much. Without a strong familiarity with the Old Testament, Bible reading can be difficult. But knowing the Jewish calendar (God's Calendar!) and idioms spoken by Jesus and New Testament writers bring the BIG PICTURE into the LIGHT!

Now Bible reading is a treasure hunt! It is the goal of Make it Musical to share these treasures with you. 

We will point out key events and characters that will prepare our children for personal Bible study.


1. Visit the sunday school class once a month with a special song designed to memorize scripture 
2. Post it online so families can listen together
3. Offer a Bible-based music and movement class during the week

If we are to “delight in the law of the Lord” and “meditate on it day and night” (Psalm 1), it must somehow first make its way into our minds.  Jesus commanded us to “eat” his flesh and "drink" his blood.  He is also called the WORD.   We can “eat” and “digest” the word which will feed our spirits with THE Spirit. 

Ephesians 5:18-19 
do not be drunk with wine, but filled with the spirit …      what comes next?

... speaking to one another is psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; singing and making music to the Lord from your heart.

There is a special power and purpose in music.

A thought-provoking link about the "law of the Lord" as in the 613 commands / mitzvot:

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